Jonathan Metz 2009

December 01, 2009 - Connecticut

Jonathan Metz

Name: Jonathan Metz
Title: Senior Associate, LEED AP, AIA
Company: Perkins Eastman
Location: Stamford, Conn.
Birthplace: Brooklyn, N.Y.
Family: Wife, Irene Metz; Son, Joshua (21); Daughter: Isabel, 16
College: Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N.Y., 5 year Bachelor of Architecture
First job outside of real estate: College summers, bell hop at Grossingers Hotel, Monticello, N.Y. After graduation, Tate Interiors doing shop drawings for raised floors.
First job in real estate or allied field: Staff architect at I. M. Pei & Partners
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: I decided I wanted to be an architect when I was 14. I plan to be removed forcibly from my desk.
Hobbies: Gardening sometimes, but mostly I enjoy architecture.
Last book: "The Master Builders" by Peter Blake
Favorite movie: "North by Northwest"
Person you most admire (outside of family): Louis Kahn, Steve Jobs.
Keys to success: You must believe what you are doing and own it, otherwise you will be frustrated and unhappy every day.
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Being an architect is not what I do; it is what I am.


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