Name: Jonathan Olinto
Title: Director of Operations
Company: Sunlight Solar Energy
Location: 102 Clematis Ave. Suite 7 Waltham MA 02453
Place of birth: Wichita Falls, Texas
College: University of Tampa, master of science in Finance, University of Florida, bachelor of science in Business Administration
First job unrelated to your current field: Associate at T. Rowe Price
First job in current field: Financial Analyst
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Founded in 1989, Sunlight Solar Energy is a solar design and installation company with three offices in Massachusetts, Oregon, and Connecticut. Sunlight Solar Energy provides professionally designed systems and installations, complete with excellent communication, timely follow-up and outstanding customer service. We help customers take advantage of the best incentives, rebates, and tax credits available to them in their state. We pride ourselves in our turnkey installations; which include all permits, applications, and incentive paperwork for our customers ease and convenience.
Favorite novel: Solar Revolution: The economic transformation of the global energy industry Got Sun? Go Solar
Keys to success: Hard work and Determination.