Karen Martin 2012

May 03, 2012 - Northern New England

Karen Martin, Scarborough Economic Development Corp.

Name: Karen Martin
Title: Marketing & Communications Manager
Company: Scarborough Economic Development Corp. (SEDCO)
Location: PO Box 550/29 Black Point Rd., Scarborough, ME 04070-0550
Place of birth: Los Angeles, CA
College: University of Texas at Austin, Bachelors in Economics and Master of Science in Community & Regional Planning
First job unrelated to your current field: Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments - Air Quality Division - Researcher
First job in current field: City of Austin, Texas ­- Planner in the Long Range Planning Department
What your firm does now and its plans for the future?: SEDCO's mission is to support economic development that improves the quality of life in Scarborough.
Hobbies: Dogs! I have 2 Briards, which are French Herding Dogs
Favorite novel: Devoted fan of mysteries, too many to name
Favorite film: North by Northwest
Keys to success: Sense of humor!
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Steve Jobs
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?: Journalist


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