Kenneth Bondi 2011

August 04, 2011 - Connecticut

Kenneth Bondi, Bondi Commercial Real Estate

Name: Kenneth Bondi
Title: Managing Partner
Company: Bondi Commercial Real Estate
Location: Salem, Conn.
Birthplace: Bridgeport Conn.
Family: Wife, Nancy and two grown children, Anna & Joe
College: Fairfield University and State University of New York at Buffalo
First job outside of real estate: Slung burgers at "first wave" McDonald's (1957)
First job in real estate or allied field: Agent with Lyman Realty
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: Running my full service real estate firm and continuing to do so at a non-frantic pace.
Hobbies: Running, gardening, European travel
Favorite book: "When You Come To a Fork in the Road, Take It" by Yogi Berra
Favorite movies: "Ciderhouse Rules" and "The King's Speech"
Person you most emulate (outside of family): Ronald Reagan
Key to success: Listen to others
If you were forced to choose another vocation, what would it be? Chef


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