Klopfer Martin Design Group promotes Ng, Komarow and Petschke to director

May 17, 2024 - Construction Design & Engineering
Jennifer Ng


Sharon Komarow


Kurt Petschke


Boston, MA Klopfer Martin Design Group (KMDG) has promoted three individuals to director-level roles. This new approach to how the firm is structuring its management team is in response to the growth KMDG has enjoyed since its founding.

Jennifer Ng, senior associate, is taking on the role of business development director, overseeing KMDG’s business development strategy and supporting the firm’s growth by increasing project pursuit opportunities and expanding the firm’s network of collaborators.

Sharon Komarow, associate, is taking on the role of studio director, overseeing firm culture, project staffing, and project execution in alignment with KMDG’s values and quality standards.

Kurt Petschke, associate, will be stepping into the role of design director, guiding the design identity of KMDG and reinforcing the design oversight of all the firm’s projects.

“Mark and I are excited for Jennifer, Sharon and Kurt to use their collective skill sets to greatly impact the trajectory of KMDG. Now in our 17th year, we have achieved consistent growth and opportunities to work on larger and more complex landscape architecture commissions. With this new layer of management in place, we are poised to make an even greater impact on the beauty, resilience and ecological health of the landscape spaces we all rely on for recreation and relaxation,” said Kaki Martin, FASLA.

Klopfer Martin Design Group is a WBE certified firm whose interdisciplinary team of designers work at the seam of landscape, architecture, infrastructure and urban design. KMDG’s work emerges from the contemporary integration of a site’s history and cultural context to create a compelling, lasting narrative that builds community, whether municipal, institutional or organizational. Their work has been recognized by the American Society of Landscape Architects, Boston Society of Landscape Architects, the Rudy Bruner Award of Urban Excellence, the Environmental Design Resource Association, the American Institute of Architects, and the American Planning Association, among others, and has been published throughout the world.

About Jennifer Ng, ASLA, PLA: Jennifer is a landscape architect passionate about community-driven design. She defines successful and inspiring designs as those that speak equally to place-making and place-keeping. The consistent theme in her projects is to create a sense of "home" and a feeling that the project was "always meant to be." Jennifer brings over fourteen years of professional experience in the built environment, successfully shepherding projects from concept through construction. She co-founded DesignConnect, a non-profit with Cornell University that brings pro-bono interdisciplinary design and planning services to small towns in Upstate New York. She has taught at UC Berkeley and is a frequent speaker on topics related to the practice of landscape architecture.

About Sharon Komarow, ASLA, PLA: Sharon is a senior landscape architect and associate with over fifteen years of experience in public, institutional design, and environmental planning. Her educational background and previous work in environmental science influence her work as a landscape architect, while her technical abilities ensure that projects are expertly staffed and delivered in a consistent, high-quality way. While at Harvard University, she received a Community Service Fellowship to help the Town of Barnstable prepare a successful grant to fund park renovations and a Presidential Instructional Technology Fellowship to develop a reference website on the vegetation of the urban environment.

About Kurt Petschke, ASLA, PLA: Kurt is a landscape architect with over 13 years of experience designing public and institutional landscapes. Trained as an architect, he has worked within architectural design studios and in the landscape and building construction trades. At KMDG, Kurt leads the office’s urban design, architectural, on-structure, and infrastructural landscape design efforts and is responsible for the office’s 3-D modeling, rendering, and graphic standards. He manages projects throughout all phases, from schematic design to construction observation, focusing on ensuring that a rigorous design intention is realized through the built, constructed detail.



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