Westfield, MA Tighe & Bond has added three senior environmental professionals to its team - Christopher Koelle, LEP, Shawn Rising, LSP, and Daniel Williams.

Tighe & Bond
Koelle is a Connecticut Licensed Environmental Professional (LEP) and project manager with 19 years of experience providing environmental consulting services for a wide range of large and smaller-scale multidisciplinary projects. This includes environmental assessment, hazardous building material (HBM) surveys, site development and redevelopment of brownfields, remediation, HBM abatement, and facility demolition.
Koelle’s projects have involved assessment and remediation of PCBs, petroleum, solvents, and metals at both federal and state regulated sites. He is known for developing innovative approaches to site assessment and remediation that have yielded significant savings at a multitude of sites across Connecticut. Koelle earned his Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Lehigh University, and his Master of Science in Environmental Science from the University of New Haven. He works out of the firm’s Middletown office.

Tighe & Bond
Rising is a Massachusetts Licensed Site Professional (LSP) and project manager with more than 19 years of experience providing environmental consulting services for a wide range of diverse projects throughout New England. He provides site assessment, remediation, due diligence services, and environmental permitting.
In addition, he has designed and implemented a variety of remedial programs for the treatment of oil and hazardous materials impacts to soil and groundwater under various regulatory programs.
Rising has managed numerous waste site cleanup projects throughout the Northeast with a focus on petroleum site assessment and remediation. In addition, he has substantial experience with facility compliance in the petroleum industry. Rising also has managed several large-scale due diligence projects, supporting the acquisition of up to 300 properties under single portfolio transaction. Currently he is providing LSP services for the closure of the former Mt. Tom power plant in Holyoke. Rising earned his Bachelor of Science in Biology, with a minor in chemistry, from Westfield State University. He works primarily out of the firm’s Westfield office, routinely providing support to many other Tighe & Bond offices.

Tighe & Bond
Williams is a senior environmental compliance specialist with more than 27 years of experience in industrial health and safety, as well as regulatory compliance. His expertise includes development and support for process safety management, risk management programs, Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) programs and various OSHA, EPA and state environmental compliance standards.
Williams has developed, coordinated and managed EHS policies, programs, training, and reporting processes for numerous industrial facilities throughout New England. During this time, he has overseen numerous safety improvements and implemented successful accident and cost-reduction strategies. He brings a wealth of safety and compliance experience to the firm gained from past positions at key industrial facilities in Massachusetts. Williams holds a Bachelor of Arts in EHS Program Management from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. He works out of the firm’s Westfield office.