Lighthouse Electric Contracting awarded solar installation projects for 5 Boston schools - $900,000

December 16, 2009 - Construction Design & Engineering
In a major renewable energy project for the city, Lighthouse Electrical Contracting, Inc. has been awarded and is underway with the 134.5kW (in total) turnkey solar installation project for five public schools - Murphy School (53.5kW), Boston Latin Academy (35.7kW), FDR School (32kW), Madison Park School (7.8kW) and Boston Latin School (5.5kW). The total electrical project value is $900,000.
The project scope entails Lighthouse's design, engineering and installation of ballasted, roof-mounted photovoltaic solar systems at schools. Ballasted systems have been specified so as to avoid roof penetration. The NECA contractor is utilizing solar panels manufactured by Evergreen Solar of Marlborough and inverters by Solectria Renewables of Lawrence.
The solar systems will be connected to each school's electrical distribution system, and the power generated will lower the amount of electricity the schools purchase from the utility company. The systems will also be used as a teaching tool for students enabling them to learn about solar energy and also track power output of the systems.
The installations are projected to realize a total energy savings of 175,000 kWh per year for the schools, which amounts to an estimated $35,000 annually. The project is being funded in part by grants through the Mass. Technology Collaborative's Commonwealth Solar rebate program.
Structural engineering services are being provided by Stephen Kelleher Architects, Inc. of Fairhaven, and electrical engineering by Art Engineering Corp. of Worcester, both under subcontract to Lighthouse Electrical.
The electrical contractor has conducted all work when school is not in session. Lighthouse has scheduled delivery of materials, craning and pipe runs at times when schools are not occupied.
Lighthouse project managers Scott Sullivan, Newell Thomas and Foreman Justin Aikens are supervising a field crew of 5 electricians from IBEW Local 103. The project commenced in August and is scheduled for completion in April 2010.


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