Local developer Davos to transform 3.45 acre site

September 03, 2021 - Owners Developers & Managers

Brighton, MA West Roxbury resident Peter Davos has long been in the business of building homes. As a third-generation builder, Davos is excited to embark on his next project in Brighton’s Oak Sq. neighborhood at 710-712 and 776-682 Washington St. The 3.45-acre site, sold exclusively by Colliers, provided an opportunity for the Prism-award winning developer to build a prime residential development in a predominantly residential area of the city of Boston.

“We were excited to work with Peter on another seamless transaction in a neighborhood that sits close to his heart,” said James Elcock, vice chair, Colliers.

Colliers was engaged by St. John Seminary to sell or ground lease the Washington St. assemblage, which was previously home to the Our Lady of Presentation church, rectory, and parking lot. “I have pursued this site for almost two and a half years. The plan within plan, is to personally move back to Brighton and live at the site. Having built and developed multiple sites in Brighton, I’m sensitive to each neighborhood and pride myself on a completed project that would be appreciated by all. The Washington St sites are in concept design phase, and I will look forward to meeting with the neighbors shortly for a personal introduction and project presentation,” Davos said.

The site sits in an emerging submarket within the city of Boston and provides access to some of the city’s most prestigious colleges, universities, and hospitals.



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Hurray-for-Oak-Square 7/4/22, 10:05 AM

In a few years full of pain, you have added more. Yes, cutting down that 200-year-old beech tree was legal. But it sure wasn't ethical. It's been reported that you stated that couldn't find any other way to build homes. What a ridiculous thing to say. Where is your honor? Where is your sense of responsibility? Please don't come here to live. Instead, turn the site into an arboretum, fund a trust for its care in perpetuity, and give it to the City of Boston.

Maureen Bridges 2/10/22, 7:19 PM

Tell the Oak Square community why you tore down our tree. In the parking lot. You have to work with the Oak Square people if you want something done Shame on you fo Pulling down our 150 year old tree.