Westford Economic
Development Committee
How has your company navigated the COVID-19 pandemic? COVID-19 information and updates is the first thing people see if they go to the westfordma.gov web site. It is regularly updated based on any new information that becomes available.
What is the most exciting job/project/goal for your company in 2020? The first three months resulted in the release of a revised Permitting Guide and preliminary work on a Master Plan to be undertaken next year. The second part of the year will focus on supporting the tactics and plans for reopening businesses.
What attracted your business to the M3 Region? In November 2019, the EDC with the assistance from Jay Donovan at NMCOG, held a business forum, we learned that what attracts businesses to Westford is access to highways, good school system, location, business friendly, strong town government, and retail shopping centers.
What M3 Coalition networking opportunities does your business participate in? The Westford EDC has designated a member of the committee to participate actively in as many M3 events as possible. Currently I am the one who does this. If I am not available, another member attends the event. I also serve as a member of the board of M3. All information from M3 events are shared at the monthly meeting of the EDC and, as appropriate, with members of Westford Business Association.