Newmark Knight Frank
It has been another productive year for the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute. The chapter had a record 13 newly designated members, including 10 MAIs and three SRAs. Additionally, three RAs haves earned an AI-RRS and one MAI has earned an AI-GRS for a total of 17 new designees.
Other highlights over the past year include:
• Awarding four Hewitt scholarships in the amount of $750 each for the completion of the Demonstration of Knowledge.
• Recognizing Steve Elliot, SRA with the Volunteer of Distinction award.
• Recognizing Bill McGovern, SRA with the Lifetime Service Award.
• The chapter co-sponsored the Annual Appraisers Expo with the MBREA. As usual there was a strong turnout with 310 attendees.
• The chapter received a $10,000 grant from Massachusetts Clean Energy Center for two offerings of Residential and Commercial Valuation of Solar.
• The Chapter recently transitioned to National’s new NetForum Chapter Portal, which provides new access for online education registration.
• We saw more trainees and new candidates taking our education offerings as well as attending our social outings.
• We continued to expand the Chapter’s college outreach program.
Thank you for allowing me to be the president of the chapter. It has been a privilege and an honor to serve the chapter. Thank you to my fellow officers, board of directors, and committee chairs for your dedication to the chapter. Also, a very big thank you to Lianne Andreucci, who has served as the chapter’s executive director for nearly 30 years.
Greg Curtis, MAI, is the 2019 president of the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter of The Appraisal Institute, and senior vice president, valuation & advisory at Newmark Knight Frank, Boston, Mass.