Maguire, GZA, GRA, Garofalo and Aldinger start TIGER projects

December 09, 2010 - Rhode Island
Earlier this year R.I.s congressional delegation, with Sen. Jack Reed taking the lead, worked to secure $22 million in federal stimulus grant funds for Quonset. These grants will lay the foundation for the next wave of growth at the Business Park with major federal investments in infrastructure.
Five engineering firms from Rhode Island are now getting to work on projects funded by the TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) grant. They are the Maguire Group, GZA, Garofalo & Associates, GRA Engineering and Paul Aldinger & Associates. Initial designs have been submitted for Terminals 4 and 5 at the Port of Davisville as well as for road improvements there. Materials are due to arrive for the railroad improvement portion of the grant any day, with construction beginning this month.
The Romano Vineyard Way Bridge, another important infrastructure project funded by federal recovery funds, is 65% complete and ahead of schedule.
"All these projects are providing construction jobs today and are laying the groundwork for a wide variety of new jobs in the future," said Steven King, P.E., QDC's managing director. "We are grateful for the on-going support of senator Reed and the congressional delegation, which have made these investments possible."


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