Make hay while the sun shines: Its time to ensure our future - by Brian Jurgens

September 18, 2015 - Construction Design & Engineering
Brian Jurgens, ABC-Mass. Chapter

Business is never without its problems, but things are far better for most ABC members than they were just a few years ago. The construction industry has rebounded from a historically difficult period and for the first time in years we have a governor who listens to our concerns.

It’s during these good times that we have to think about the future of our industry and our association, and there are few things more important than getting our rising young talent engaged in government affairs. It is this engagement that keeps the playing field level, prevents unfair and discriminatory treatment of open shop companies, and promotes a business-friendly environment.

Through good times and bad, one thing we can count on is that construction unions will have an army of lobbyists patrolling the halls of the State House. Although we don’t have that luxury, we do have good businesses that employ thousands of people and perform high-quality work. We also have an improved political atmosphere ripe for change. Now is a great opportunity for ABC’s young members to voice their opinions and truly make a difference. They will soon be the leaders of our organization, compelled to address the issues necessary to secure the future of the merit shop industry.

In the coming months we will launch an effort to identify prospective ABC leaders. We will hold listening sessions to better understand their priorities, work with them to plan strategy, and help them meet and get to know their legislators to ensure our businesses are fairly represented. All this will help prepare them to take the reins of our association and industry so that they can effectively represent ABC member companies in our communities, on Beacon Hill and throughout the Commonwealth.

I know first-hand how important it is to cultivate our association’s young members. It was leading ABC’s Young Leaders Council that put me on the path toward chairing our organization. Please help by letting us know if you are a young leader or have identified someone in your company who is committed to promoting the merit construction philosophy. If you do, just contact our public affairs director, Rob McGovern, at (781) 273-0123 or [email protected].

The good times won’t last forever. Let’s take advantage of them by doing everything we can now to ensure that ABC will have a rising crop of strong talent to lead us and be effective advocates for the open shop industry for years to come.

Brian Jurgens is chairman of the Associated Builders & Contractors - Mass. Chapter, Woburn and is a senior vice president at W.T. Kenney Co., Inc., Arlington, Mass.



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