Mass. AI to hold VFR and Valuation During Market Decline-May 14

May 06, 2009 - Financial Digest
Massachusetts Chapter of the Appraisal Institute presents Valuation for Financial Reporting (VFR) and Valuation During Market Decline Thursday, May 14, The New England Room (4th floor) at the Federal Reserve Boston 600 Atlantic Ave. Registration and Lunch is at 11:30 a.m. with the CE program beginning at noon.
VFR and Valuation During Market Decline will convey timely, up to the minute developments in the fair value valuation industry discussion, trends in market values, and methodologies for arriving at cap rates and market value during periods of economic distress. The discussion of financial reporting for real estate and SFAS 157 (which defines fair value) is central to what is expected to be an emerging segment in the appraisal industry.
Fee for this event is $50 for members and $75 for all others.
Ted Anglyn, MAI, Forge Capital Partners is the panel moderator.Panelists are: Douglas Poutasse, executive director, NCREIF; Jeff Kiley, PriceWaterhouseCoopers; Mark Bates, MAI, CRE, FRICS, Integra Realty Resources; and Ted Anglyn, MAI, Forge Capital Partners. Karen Hanlon, MAI, MRICS, is the chair of programming.
The program is approved for two hours of CE credit by the Appraisal Institute. An application for two hours CE credit will be sent to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. If you are licensed in other states, contact Lianne at the Chapter office 781.397.8922


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