Hartford, CT Luke Massirio and Thom Wilks of O,R&L Commercial have completed the sale of two properties for the Materials Innovation and Recycling Authority (MIRA). The two properties were 171 Murphy Rd. and 211 Murphy Rd. The properties were purchased together for $12 million, which was $2.1 million over the asking price. 171 Murphy was offered at $1 million with 211 offered at $8.9 million. O,R&L represented the seller in the transaction and also procured the buyer, Murphy Road Holdings Inc., owned by Enfield based USA Waste and Recycling. They had previously purchased the 7,300 s/f Watertown transfer station located on Echo Rd. for $2.55 million back in Sept. 2024. Of the four properties that were put up for sale in June of this year, there is only one left, the 10,280 s/f building located at 217 Sadds Mill Rd. in Ellington is awaiting subdivision from the abutting landfill. O,R&L was selected by MIRA to handle the disposition of all four assets.
211 Murphy Rd., a 92,616 s/f industrial building that is fully equipped and permitted as a single- and dual-stream recycling facility, includes a weigh station and access rights to a rail spur, and was also the former home of The Trash Museum and 171 Murphy Rd., is an adjacent one-story, 19,200 s/f industrial building.
MIRA made the decision to close its Hartford trash plant in 2022 after it failed to come up with the financing for a redevelopment plan of the aging property. MIRA as a governing entity was dissolved and replaced by the MIRA Dissolution Authority, which is overseeing the property sales.