Metalwave receives 2 new certifications

April 24, 2014 - Green Buildings

Metalwave warehouse - North Hampton, NH

Green Alliance Business Partner Metalwave recently received two new certifications in responsible e-waste disposal. This is exciting news for a company already on the forefront of making electronic waste more eco-friendly.
Metalwave, an electronic recycling company, follows strict guidelines to ensure the electronic waste it handles is properly disassembled, shredded, and recycled. In 2012, Metalwave was ISO14011 and OSHAS 18001 certified. These two premier standards ensure environmental hazards are minimized in potentially toxic areas. On top of already having these two certifications, Metalwave recently completed both BAN e-Steward and R2 certifications.
"Our mission is to do electronic recycling with as much integrity as possible," said Julie Wiggin, CEO and president of Metalwave. "Although completing our certifications was expensive, we're dedicated to being as transparent as possible to prove our commitment to making e-waste environmentally friendly."
In the past several decades, electronic waste — or "e-waste" — has become a growing problem in our own country and around the world. Electronic waste includes everything from computer components and printers to medical equipment and automotive electronics. E-waste frequently contains hazardous contaminants such as lead, cadmium, and mercury, waste products that pose a significant risk to human health and to the environment.
Unfortunately, because a global market exists for e-waste components — discarded, obsolete, or broken down electronic devices — the United States often sends its to developing nations, where lax environmental standards of toxic substances lead to significant environmental degradation. Frequently, domestic e-waste handlers take the low-cost option and simply ship their waste overseas, where it is dismantled. The extraction of metals, toners, and plastic from e-waste abroad creates dangerous water contamination levels and other unhealthy conditions.
Luckily, Metalwave, a N.H.-registered business with a North Hampton office and a recycling warehouse in Amesbury, Mass., provides its business customers with transparent, domestic, and cost-effective e-waste recycling. Metalwave president Julie Wiggin, executive vice president Brad Wiggin, and vice president of operations Tom Sousa, are all veterans of the asset recovery business. Their leadership offers their clients value, security, flexibility, and a wealth of experience.
The two new certifications, BAN e-Steward and R2, demonstrate MetalWave's commitment to making the e-waste world more eco-friendly.
The Basel Action Network is an international organization dedicated to confronting the social and environmental challenge of toxic waste and trade. BAN strives to prevent toxic waste and pollution dumping on the world's poorest residents. BAN's e-Stewards Certification is a rigorous, internationally compliant program that ensures all members are using the best e-waste removal practices possible.
"The e-Stewards certification is incredibly important," said Wiggin. "Businesses that are certified have a system of checks and balances that ensure fair business practices. Along with making sure that our e-waste is disposed as cleanly and safely as possible, e-Stewards also give assurance customer data is secure."
Metalwave is also meeting R2 standards. The Responsible Recycling Practices Standards are a set of voluntary principles and guidelines that promote responsible recycling practices. R2 requires the implementation of a management system that is responsible for environmental safety, worker health and security, and downstream accountability.
"The R2 standards focus mainly on the resale aspect of e-waste management," Wiggin said. "Under these standards, customers can be assured that all e-waste components we sell are clean, sanitized, and free of data; and most importantly, they work. Being R2 and BAN e-Steward certified will help Metalwave to have even more transparent business practices."
Metalwave is a Business Partner of the Green Alliance, a union of local sustainable businesses promoting environmentally sound business practices and a green co-op offering discounted green products and services to its members.


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