Michael Hussey 2013

March 07, 2013 - Financial Digest

Michael Hussey, Real Estate Finance Association

Name: Michael Hussey
Title: President, Real Estate Finance Association
Company: US Bank
Location: One Federal St., Boston, MA 02110
Place of birth and year: Hartford, CT - 12/18/57
Family: Wife, Mary Ellen; 2 sons, Kevin, TJ (Timothy James)
College: Central CT State U. - BS Finance
First job in finance or allied field: Credit analyst at Hartford National Bank
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: Continue to expand membership; grow emerging leaders; focus on timely programs; education, provide networking opportunities. This is REFA's 25th Anniversary
Hobbies: Golf, Celtic fan, body surfing, & water sports
Favorite book: "My Share of the Task" by McChrystal
Favorite movie: "Argo"
Person you most emulate (outside of family): Bill Kotchen (attorney, former partner)
Key to success (one idea): Be honest and truthful
If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Landscape Architect


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