Michael Rohde 2009

July 15, 2009 - Connecticut

Michael Rohde

Name: Michael Rohde
Title: Mayor
Company: City of Meriden
Location: Meriden, Conn.
Birthplace: Dayton, Ohio
Family: Married to Nancy; Two adult children - Matthew and Mandy
College: St. John Fischer College, BA Economics. Antioch University, Masters in Human Services Admn.
First job unrelated to your current field: Child care worker with troubled children
First job in real estate or allied field: City Council, 1989
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: Director of Member Services, New Haven Country Club and mayor.
Hobbies: Golf, walking, hiking, involvement in our community
Favorite book: "Larry Byrd"
Favorite movies: "My Cousin Vinnie"
Person you most emulate (outside of family): John Kennedy
Key to success: Work hard!!
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Professional golfer


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