Mike Nosek 2012

September 27, 2012 - Green Buildings

Mike Nosek, Atlas Watersystems

Name: Michael Nosek
Title: Senior Director, Sales
Company: Atlas Watersystems, Inc.
Location: Waltham, Mass.
Place of birth: Marlboro, Mass.
Family: Wife – Nicole, two wonderful children, Olivia and Ethan College: Saint Anselm College, Manchester, NH
First job unrelated to your current field: Ophthalmology Interactive
First job in your current field: Atlas Watersystems, Inc
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Atlas Watersystems provides water purification and filtration systems and service for commercial business, residential treatment, high purity and special application use for pharmaceutical, manufacturing and lab grade water, and food service systems. We continue to identify new and exciting ways to bring the purest water to our clients.
Hobbies: Sports enthusiast, enjoying time with my family, working in the yard
Favorite novel: Good to Great
Keys to success: Success is not measured in dollars and cents. The actions you take, the values you live by and your commitment to do your best on a daily basis define who you are and your success in life.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Landscape design
Person you admire most (outside of the family): My friend and former boss for all that he taught me over the years both professionally and personally


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