MMB holds "Division of Banks Update" on April 5th

March 08, 2012 - Financial Digest
The Mass. Mortgage Bankers Association will be holding a "Division of Banks Update" on April 5th at the Four Points Sheraton. Registration and continental breakfast starts at 8:30 a.m.
and the program runs from 9 a.m. till 1 p.m. Join as the Mass. Division of Bank provides an update on industry issues, examination feedback, areas of concern and will answers audience questions.
Topics to be Discussed:
* Examination Feedback & Areas of Concern;
* MLCI Examination Procedures & Results;
* MLO Compensation Examination Procedures & Results;
* MLO Licensing and Branch Licensing; and
*NMLS System Updates.
Cost: $125 members / $225 non-members


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