Needham, MA NAIOP Massachusetts has named its 2019 volunteer leadership slate – led by incoming president Sara Cassidy of AEW. Joining NAIOP’s new executive team of CEO Tamara Small and executive director Reesa Fischer, Cassidy will be followed by president-elect Leslie Cohen of Samuels & Associates. This female-driven team is reflective of the increasing role of women in commercial real estate and the importance of diversity and inclusion to the organization. The leadership includes:
• Chairman: Ed Marsteiner, National Development
• President: Sara Cassidy, AEW
• President-Elect: Leslie Cohen, Samuels & Associates
• Treasurer: Charley Leatherbee, Skanska U.S. Commercial Dev.
• Secretary: Tom Andrews, Alexandria Real Estate
• V.P. Chapter Affairs: Michael Wilcox, The Bulfinch Cos.
• V.P. Developing Leaders: Alex Shultz, Davis Cos.
• V.P. Diversity & Inclusion: Taidgh McClory, CBRE
• V.P. Government Affairs: Kathleen Brill, Foley Hoag LLP
• V.P. Membership & Marketing: Marsha Miller, Vanderweil Engineers
• V.P. Programs: Allen Breed, MITIMCO
• Asst. V.P. Developing Leaders: Sam Campbell, HFF
• Asst. V.P. Diversity & Inclusion: Amanda Strong, MITIMCO
• Asst. V.P. Government Affairs: Bryan Connolly, DLA Piper
• Asst. V.P. Membership & Marketing: Tina Snyder, DivcoWest
• Asst. V.P. Programs: Robert Borden, JLL
• Asst. V.P. Programs Abby Middleton, Oxford Properties
• Special Chair, Communications: Wendy Goldstein Pierce, Goldstein Pierce PR
• Special Chair, Golf Tournament: Kerry Hawkins, HFF
• Strategic Development Chairs: Dan McGrath, Berkeley Investments; Kathy McMahon, National Development; Lauren O’Neil, HFF; and Adam Weisenberg, Sullivan & Worcester LLP.