Alan Scharfe, president – John A. Penney Co., Inc.; Michael McDonald, governor – McDonald Electrical Corp.;
and Kathleen Guinee, secretary – Aetna Fire Alarm Service Co., Inc.
Shown (from left, standing) are: Kristen Gowin, assistant manager – NECA Boston Chapter; Dan Venezia, director – T&T Electrical Contractors;
David Ayer, director – Ayer Electric, Inc.; Thomas Driscoll, director and chairman, Maine Division – E.S. Boulos Co.;
John McLaughlin, director – Sullivan & McLaughlin Cos.; Glenn Kingsbury, executive manager – NECA Boston Chapter;
Joseph Bodio, director – Lan-Tel Communications; Brian Murphy, director – A. Murphy, Inc.;
Matthew Guarracino, director – J.M. Electrical Co., Inc.; and John Quinci, director – Cruz Electric, Inc.
West Newton, MA The Boston Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) confirmed its 2020 directors and officers at its annual chapter meeting.
Alan Scharfe of John A. Penney Company, was elected to serve a two-year term as chapter president.
Board member (not pictured): Joseph McCluskey, Jr., director – E.G. Sawyer Co., Inc.