of the project team, lenders, and city and state officials.
Chelsea, MA NEI General Contracting completed Acadia, a 42,000 s/f new affordable housing development with 34 units. Located on the site of the former French Naturalization Club on Spencer Ave., Acadia is the latest affordable housing project by The Neighborhood Developers (TND), a community development corporation (CDC) dedicated to building affordable homes in Chelsea, Revere and Everett. NEI General Contracting has constructed over a dozen buildings for TND.
The project team for Acadia includes: Utile, Inc., RSE Associates, Inc., BLW Engineering, Inc., Samiotes Consultants, Inc., G2 Collaborative, Irwin Engineers, Geotechnical Partnership, Winn Residential and Munkenbeck Consulting.
Located one block from the city’s four elementary schools, and one block from major bus lines on Broadway, the building includes a community room, common laundry, on-site parking for all 34 homes, central air conditioning, and new landscaping and public way improvements along Spencer Ave. to benefit residents and community members alike.
“We have worked with NEI General Contracting since 2006, and we have developed a true partnership with them,” said Rafael Mares, executive director for The Neighborhood Developers. “We share a common dedication to developing affordable housing to promote economic mobility, opportunity, and quality of life in our communities. We are certain our new residents will be pleased by the quality design and construction of their new homes at Acadia.”
The development includes eight units of supportive housing designated for formerly homeless families, meeting a critical need in the region. These homes will serve families who are living in shelters, who have lost their homes and are in other temporary housing, or families in imminent risk of losing their housing.
TND is partnering with Housing Families, Inc. to provide supportive services to these households to improve their economic security and help them access resources like education, workforce development, health care and public benefits. Three homes were built for residents with disabilities under the Community Based Housing Program (CBH).
Community Development Corporations (CDCs) are not-for-profit organizations incorporated to engage local residents and businesses to work together to undertake community development programs, projects and activities. Since 2006, TND has developed 317 homes, investing $104 million in new and improved properties. With Acadia’s completion, TND owns 429 apartments, and in recent years has also developed 38 homes for sale to first-time homebuyers. TND maintains an active pipeline of properties in development. TND’s properties are excellently maintained and located close to public transit, shopping, parks, and local schools.
photo credit Michael Indrisano