NESEA's Green Buildings open house comes to Rhode Island on October 2nd

September 23, 2010 - Green Buildings
The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association's annual Green Buildings Open House (GBOH)—the largest sustainable energy event in the Northeast—will be taking place on October 2 from 10 AM to 4 PM. On this day, high performance schools, state-owned facilities, businesses, and homes will showcase green building features and renewable energy technologies. Last year, more than 16,000 people toured approximately 500 sites from Maine to Pennsylvania.
This year, the Rhode Island Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council plans to arrange for some 30 buildings to be open across the state, many designed to the USGBC's LEED standard and others that feature high efficiency, net zero energy systems.
The Green Buildings Open House operates in conjunction with the American Solar Energy Society's (ASES) National Solar Tour and kicks off National Energy Awareness Month. For the past 14 years, the program has inspired thousands of individuals to learn about and implement energy efficient and renewable energy solutions in homes and businesses.
At green building sites, participants will learn ways to reduce a project's impact on the environment, reduce embedded energy, conserve water, and ensure healthy indoor environments. Building owners and representatives will be available to answer questions about the benefits of building green.
For a list of green building sites in Rhode Island, go to: For more information, visit or


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