New England Real Estate Journal hits the air waves

December 06, 2012 - Front Section

Rick Kaplan, New England Real Estate Journal

Eric Wilson, New England Real Estate Journal

New England Real Estate Journal is now on the radio every Saturday at 10 a.m. on WBNW 1120AM. This show airs on Money Matters Radio Network and will be podcast from our website
Host Rick Kaplan and co-host Eric Wilson, both employees at the New England Real Estate Journal, will have interviews of professionals from the commercial real estate industry, projects of the week, headlines and announcements.
The New England Real Estate Journal, the largest weekly commercial/investment real estate newspaper in the world will be celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2013. Founded in 1963 by Roland Hopkins, the paper is a subscriber-based business publication that is delivered to the most important decision makers in the commercial real estate industry on a weekly basis.
For more information contact Rick or Eric at 800-654-4993 or email [email protected]


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