New England SIOR Chapter board meets Sept. 11th

October 10, 2007 - Spotlights
The New England Chapter SIOR board of directors met for its quarterly meeting to plan the fall events at Pagliucas located in the North End from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
* The treasurer's report indicates a very financially healthy chapter giving the board an ability to offer more complimentary or subsidized events to its members as "added-value".
* October 17th will be Dacon and Nov. 2nd is the New Boston Fund as breakfast Featured Landlords.
* Nov. 1st the Chapter will hold its annual Chapter Spouse/Guest Cocktail Reception at the BC Club with an announcement of the first SIOR educational scholarship award.
* New officers for 2008 and 2009 were discussed in detail with voting to be announced later in the fall.
* The NAIOP/SIOR Market Forecast will be held Nov. 29th
* The final Chapter board meeting will be held December 11th.


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