New England SIOR Chapter develops its first website at

March 11, 2009 - Spotlights
Thanks to the hard work by Mark Stevens and the SIOR Chapter Board, the New England Chapter has its first website. The website is located at and is of great quality and information.
The website includes the history of SIOR, information about the New England Chapter, its officers and committees, the RW Holmes Scholarship Fund, a photo gallery, a roster of Chapter members, an application page for interested brokers wanting to earn the SIOR designation, a link to the SIOR National website, information on past scholarship recipients, a Chapter calendar of events, a list of past chapter speakers and the SIOR Code of Ethics.
The Board voted in December to initiate a website. During January and February, Mark Stevens created a template and conducted a beta test for the board. Many revisions and additions were made to bring clarity and detail for any interested visitor.
Now any SIOR chapter member can immediately review the chapter calendar for upcoming events, quickly review the most recent officers and committee chairs or refer clients to the website so that they can better understand the value of the SIOR designation.

The website will be constantly monitored and updated during the year but currently it is exciting news for the New England Chapter and again is an example of added value for its members.


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