New England SIOR/NAIOP holds mid-year market review June 10th

August 13, 2009 - Spotlights

Greg Klemmer

Shown (from left) are: Garry Holmes, Greg Klemmer, Chuck Reilly, Jim Thompson.

The New England SIOR/NAIOP Mid-Year Commercial Real Estate Market Review was held on Thursday, June 10th at 8 a.m at the Westin Waterfront Hotel. Over 350 commercial real estate practitioners attended to hear Doug Poutasse and an expert panel.
The event began with an economic overview by Poutasse, executive director of NCREIF and a panel of market experts that gave a summary of each sector of the Greater Boston's commercial market. The panelists explored the drivers and market fundamentals behind 2009 statistics, including emerging trends in specific markets, new growth areas, and a general outlook for the future.
Greg Klemmer represented the SIOR Chapter at the Market Review and introduced the attendees to the program as well as setting the agenda.


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