New England Women in Real Estate hosts program for High School girls

April 23, 2008 - Front Section

High School students pose for a photo at CREW Careers

New England Women in Real Estate (NEWIRE), which is the Boston Chapter of Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW), held its annual Career Program on Saturday, April 5th at Fidelity Investment's offices at 245 Summer St. This year's program is a one day event planned for sophomore, junior and senior high school girls from Boston, Quincy, Lynn and other local communities.
The program will be structured in segments focused on a multitude of real estate related disciplines including finance, architecture, engineering, construction, brokerage and property management. Over 30 NEWIRE members have volunteered to lead the sessions throughout the day which will culminate in a certificate ceremony for the participants.
This year, the program will use the redevelopment of the historic former Filene's site in Downtown Crossing as an example to walk the participants through an actual development. Organizations such as the Cambridge Boys and Girls Club, Girls Inc of Lynn, Big Sister Association and mayor's Youth Line will send more than 80 girls between the ages 14-18 to participate.


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