There were a few NH CIBOR representatives at the recent National Association of Realtor’s (NAR) Conference in San Diego where they were joined by about 10,000 Realtors from all over this country. As an organization that includes approximately 1.5 million members, NAR is one of the largest trade groups in the United States. They lobby national, state and local leaders for rational policies governing land use in America. They also track taxes and spending and provide valuable input into the budgeting and spending process in government. The Realtors Political Action Committee (RPAC) is NAR’s main vehicle for its lobbying efforts.
NAR is a leader in real estate sustainability among real estate agents, brokers, trade associations and consumers. Their Sustainability & Resilience Plan is built on four pillars: Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) and Resilience. Within those pillars of ESG are sustainability tools from NAR, support for healthy, vibrant and diverse communities and a sustainability team that has instituted annual sustainability reporting. For resilience, NAR is expanding their guidance for sustainability and resilience including financing resiliency.
One of the panels at the conference had a report on the Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate at the end of 2021. The issues included the following:
• Remote Work and Mobility
• Technology Acceleration and Innovation
• ESG at a Tipping Point
• Logistics
• Infrastructure: New Imperatives Emerge
• Housing Supply and Affordability
• Political Polarization
• Economic Structural Change
• Adaptive Reuse 2.0
• Bifurcation of Capital Markets
Locally, NH CIBOR is having their annual holiday party and installation of officers on Thursday, December 9, in Bedford. All Realtors and affiliates are welcome and you can register at www.nhcibor.com. There will be an opportunity to donate to the Tower of Toys 2021 and support NH CIBOR Cares, a non profit organization committed to helping those in need.
Through our efforts we can all make our communities a better place to work, live and play. I hope each and every one of you can enjoy a happy and healthy holiday season.
Joe Friedman is the 2021 president of NH CIBOR, Bedford, NH and is the founder of Skyline Realty, Durham, NH.