New Hampsire-CIBOR president's message: Road and bridge work ahead

May 03, 2012 - Northern New England

Chris Norwood, NAI Norwood Group

When I am driving, particularly on long road trips, I get really hung up on traffic and congestion. Often times as I am speeding along (I mean not over the speed limit or anything) I get frustrated on road and bridge work ahead signs. I say to my steering wheel "Can someone tell these people that I have places to go?" Sometimes in the age of computers and technology it is the same thing. NH CIBOR and NECPE are unrolling some improvements and we hope the signs for roadwork will come down soon and you can begin speeding.
NH CIBOR offers many benefits to our membership from networking to education. One tool that is often overlooked is our access to commercially orientated forms. In need of a quick way to create a purchase and sales agreement? Looking for a listing agreement that protects all parties' interests? Want a quick way to access the correct legal disclosures for the NHREC? Look no further than NH CIBOR's Trueforms, just log into your account through Well... wait until later this spring when the road and bridge construction is finished. We have recently hired outside legal counsel to review the forms and documentation (so you don't have to) and once we get the green light from counsel we will be good for all of our members to begin using again.
Members who access the over 20 commercial forms on Trueforms do so at a rate of 12 times in a year. As mentioned previously this is a benefit that our members do not always capitalize on. So the next time you need a quick disclosure form, you now know where to turn.
NECPE has also undergone some improvements over the winter months. Many of you may not even have realized. Raise your hand if you have a smart phone. Now raise your hand if you have ever access thousands of New England properties using your smart phone. Now raise your hand if you feel foolish raising your hand reading the newspaper.
The next time you crack open your smart phone, go to, you should be automatically redirected to the mobile website for CPE. You can browse properties and people, all while on the go. Ever been on a showing and you forgot your file? This is a great solution to get around forgetting even the most nominal items. If you have your username and password you can access even more information.
Internet construction, much like road construction, can be a frustration. Trust me, when the road is finished, the ride will be smooth. Just don't get it confused with the Autobahn.
Chris Norwood, CCIM, is the 2012 president of the NH CIBOR chapter and is a director of NAI Norwood Group, Bedford.


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