New standard document available for green building projects

November 17, 2009 - Construction Design & Engineering
A comprehensive new standard contract document has been released to the industry this month to help bring order to the design and construction of green buildings.
The new document, known as the ConsensusDOCS 310 Green Building Addendum, is the first of its type and is designed to clarify the roles and responsibilities of all parties to the project, and thereby avoid delays and legal hassles.
The document responds to the surging demand for green buildings, expected to exceed 25% of commercial and institutional projects by 2013.
It was developed by a team of professionals representing every part of the construction process.
It was written to integrate with ConsensusDOCs contracts or any other contract forms. ConsensusDOCs contracts are the only standard contracts endorsed by 23 leading construction organizations, including the National Subcontractors Alliance, of which ASM is a member.


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