News from IFMA Boston: Great fall events planned

September 02, 2009 - Owners Developers & Managers

President Kate Thibeault NE Pearson Boston, Mass.

Summer's almost over, and it's time to get back to the IFMA Boston circuit! We have a great fall planned, with plenty of activities for everyone. The opening program is focused on the changing world we are all facing, and how to thrive in a new economy. Plan to join us on September 17th at Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Stata Center for a stimulating panel discussion. And don't forget our Career Preservation Task Force events—breakfasts, educational events, and networking evening aimed at helping everyone get through these crazy times in the best possible way!
Reinventing yourself or your company to compete more successfully in this new environment takes both serious introspection and attention to the world around you. It's important to assess your strengths and skills, as well as your areas for improvement and potential weaknesses. Organizations like IFMA Boston can help you to find and understand the opportunities and challenges, and be much better prepared to face every new situation. Get involved, by attending programs and events, but also through volunteering your time and energy on a committee. It's the best way to meet new people, show your talents, and get the feedback and perspective you need to successfully navigate this changing landscape.

Enjoy what's left of summer in New England, and we hope to see you this fall!
Kate Thibeault is the 2009 president of IFMA Boston.


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