NH CIBOR president’s message: Summer is officially here! - by Scott Forte

July 01, 2022 - Northern New England
Scott Forte

Last month New Hampshire CIBOR had two great networking opportunities for our members: our first charity golf classic and the TFMoran Annual BBQ where we announced the Realtor of the Year and Affiliate of the Year! Congratulations Joe Friedman and Jeremy Forest!

Joe has been a board member for New Hampshire CIBOR and NECPE, past president, and active committee member for many years - thank you for all you do Joe and congratulations! Joe recently started his own firm Skyline Realty in Durham and I look forward to the opportunity to work together on the professional side and continue to work with him via CIBOR and NECPE.

Jeremy is the owner of Bridges Brothers Movers out of Exeter. He is one of our most active affiliate members and founding member/supporters of the North Shore networking group we started not too long ago. Happy to call Jeremy a friend, and proud to say I have had the opportunity to both work with his team for personal development projects and refer business to him professionally.

If you missed the charity golf classic or the annual barbecue you still have an opportunity this summer to join us on August 4th for the summer mixer 2022. There are sponsorship opportunities available! Sponsors can sign up right on the event eebsite. This will be New Hampshire CIBOR’s largest event featuring a couple hundred of your colleagues, great food, fun and drinks at Birchwood Vineyard. There will be plenty of networking, a cash bar, appetizers, silent auction, New Hampshire CIBOR Cares annual recognition awards and more!

All proceeds from the summer mixer go to New Hampshire CIBOR Cares, the non-profit arm of New Hampshire CIBOR that helps local businesses, families, and those in need throughout the greater New Hampshire area.

Recurring Monthly Event

Second Friday at 8:30; Massachusetts marketing meeting at Brickstone Sq., Andover, Mass.

Third Friday at 8:30; Seacoast marketing meeting at Insurcomm Portsmouth, N.H.

Fourth Wednesday at 9:00; Statewide marketing meeting at Matheson Education, Bedford, N.H.

Reminder of our social groups

For the latest list of events visit: https://www.nhcibor.com/events/

Connect with us, peers, and industry partners on social media:

Linkedin networking: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8826285/

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/company/new-england-commercial-property-exchange/

My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottforte/   

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/New-England-Commercial-Property-Exchange-345860156430/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NECPE2

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/newenglandcpe/

Scott Forte is the 2022 president of the NH Commercial Investment Board of Realtors, Bedford and is a commercial Realtor with Century 21 North East, Salem, N.H.



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