Nick Grimley 2010

March 03, 2010 - Northern New England

Nick Grimley Commercial RE Agent NAI/J.L. Davis Realty

Name: Nick Grimley
Title: Commercial Real Estate Agent
Company: NAI/J.L. Davis Realty
Location: 2822 St. George Rd., Williston, VT
Place of birth and Year: Burlington, VT - 1980
Family: Single
College: University of Wyoming
First job unrelated to your current field: Alpine ski racing coach
First job in current field: I'm still at my first job in my current field!
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: We are a commercial real estate firm specializing in sales and leases. Future plans are to continue with commercial leasing and sales and to provide more tenant rep and development services
Hobbies: Fly fishing, alpine skiing, and photography
Favorite novel: "Act of Treason" by Vince Flynn
Favorite film: "The Godfather"
Keys to success: Take a genuine interest in helping your clients succeed and you will succeed
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): The men and women of our armed forces
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be: National Geographic photographer


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