Nolan of MetroHartford Alliance discusses strongest influence

June 19, 2014 - Connecticut

Rebecca Nolan, MetroHartford Alliance

Name: Rebecca Nolan
Title: Vice president of Municipal Services & Business Development
Company/firm: MetroHartford Alliance
Years with company/firm: 9
Years in field: 17
Years in real estate industry: 17
Address: 31 Pratt St., 5th Fl, Hartford, CT 06103
Telephone: (860) 728-2280
Email: [email protected]
Real estate organizations/affiliations: CREW-CT, Real Estate Finance Association, CoreNet Global, Int'l Council of Shopping Ctrs, Connecticut Economic Development Association, Northeastern Economic Development Association
How do you contribute to your company and/or the industry?
As a regional economic developer in Connecticut, and with a company whose mission is "to compete for jobs, capital and talent," my contributions come in many forms beyond straight real estate. One measure of success is municipal grand list growth which not only comes from the bricks and mortar but could be from where a company then registers its truck fleet. I market the Region and assets to support the growth for capital investment. I also bring together the regional stakeholders as a liaison to the brokers, State, municipalities, workforce, utilities, and others to ensure that a company recognizes that we are a team and all open for business. Where I see an educational value, working through my organization or through one of my many affiliations, I work to convene a wide variety of stakeholders to discuss topical issues that will impact real estate development such as brownfields.
Who or what has been the strongest influence on your career and why?
There are several individuals who have influenced my career: most recently my colleagues at the MetroHartford Alliance. Without their support, guidance and trust, I would still be in supportive roles instead of a leading role. Other influencers have been the women in my family who have taken on challenges of life to influence our children to stand strong and lead. Mentors along the way have come in several forms such as the trailblazers in Hartford's rich history to my own children and husband who always encourage me to take a leap to do the best for myself.
How are you using social media to promote yourself and/or your firm?
As most business people today I have a LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media accounts to reflect, provide information and to support others in their business practices. I participate in several group networks to keep the Hartford Region in the forefront to site selection consultants. I try to ensure when good things happen it is broadly cast out to a global network. These sites provide local professionals with information to connect and compete with other states as well as provide me with new tools and ideas to advance our region to showcase its assets.
Where would you like to be 10 years from today?
Like those before me, I would like to have my own business and would be looking forward to spending more time with my husband, our children and our grandchildren. Ten years will go by faster than I will notice! I hope that I will have been able to have provided an opportunity for at least one other person to live to their dreams and their potential. I would also like to feel satisfied knowing that I was able to contribute to making my surroundings a better place to live and enjoying all that life has to offer.


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