Concord, NH North Branch Construction is celebrating its 20th anniversary as an Energy Star Partner this year. The construction firm began its Energy Star partnership in 1997 and is the first and longest-standing Energy Star Builder in New Hampshire. Since becoming a partner, North Branch Construction has built over 250 Energy Star qualified multi-family and affordable housing residential units – more than any other builder in the state, earning hundreds of thousands of dollars in Energy Star rebates for their clients.

North Branch receives special recognition from the EPA for honoring Energy Star’s 100% Commitment for Builders option by committing to build 100% of their residential units to Energy Star standards.
North Branch has long remained on the forefront of sustainable construction as the first construction company in New Hampshire to build a LEED-certified building for their own corporate headquarters and as the state’s first Passive House Institute of the United States (PHIUS) Certified Builder.
The firm utilizes sustainable construction practices on its commercial and institutional projects as well, completing LEED-certified projects for several clients including Dartmouth College, Colby Sawyer College, Morgan Stanley, and the City of Portsmouth’s Public Library.
North Branch is currently building the new $9.9m New Hampshire Army National Guard (NHARNG) Field Maintenance Shop in Hooksett, NH, which will be built to achieve LEED certification.