On May 28 the Boston Red Sox celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the 2004 World Series Championship

June 19, 2014 - Front Section

Shown (from left, seated) are: firefighter Brenden Deeney; marketer Nate Moulter and Paul D'Angelo, licensed sales person with Quinn Associates. Shown standing are Pedro Martinez and Manny Ramirez with the 2004 World Series trophy.

On Wednesday May 28 the Boston Red Sox celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the 2004 World Series Championship. The pre-game commemoration of the 2004 championship team displayed a huge banner covering the famous Green Monster wall. Among the more notable players who attended; Pedro Martinez, Manny Ramirez, Jason Varitek, Johnny Damon, Keith Foulke, Trot Nixon, Kevin Youkilis, Tim Wakefield and Kevin Millar. Curt Schilling, in cancer recovery, made a surprise appearance.


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