OSHEAN and Rhode Island Network for Educational Technology integrate to provide broadband access to RI students

August 09, 2011 - Rhode Island
OSHEAN and the Rhode Island Network for Educational Technology (RINET) are integrating to form one organization that will provide educational technology and dedicated affordable broadband access to students across the state.
The addition of the RINET school and library based services to OSHEAN's network of colleges, universities, hospitals, government agencies and other anchor institutions will provide Rhode Island residents with a comprehensive collaborative network organization.
"We are excited about the integration and bringing to Rhode Island one organization focused on providing technology services to our citizens from Pre-Kindergarten to Post Graduates," said George Loftus OSHEAN president and CEO. "This will provide a unified cyber infrastructure that is crucial to the ongoing development of a cost-effective state wide network that is revolutionizing the way we teach, think, and live."
RINET brings to OSHEAN an array of successful technology driven services that for the past 17 years it has been providing to Rhode Island's K-12 education and public library communities. Those services include innovative technologies that enhance learning and teaching within classrooms and at libraries.
"We are committed to keeping Rhode Island and all of its citizens at the forefront of network technology and its application," said Pam Christman of RINET. "An OSHEAN-RINET merger will strengthen the organization's ability to deliver on its shared mission and will increase the depth and scope of the services we provide."
With the common vision both RINET and OSHEAN strive toward, this integration will benefit each organization's member base, in addition to providing more service offerings. "We believe that merging OSHEAN and RINET will result in a vibrant and accessible network," said Christman. "This consolidation will lead to improved public education and quality of life for Rhode Island citizens and beyond."


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