Founder and CEO
Year you entered your current field? 1975
What do you consider to be your greatest professional accomplishment in the past 12 months? Getting Zaxia up and running.
Who or what do you attribute to your success? Training from my brother Donald Reenstierna.
?If you have a mentor, who is it and how have they influenced your personal & professional growth? My brother Donald is a good and ethical appraiser. He taught me never to compromise my ethics.
How have your life experiences impacted who you are professionally? Life has taught me that everything is changing all the time. The tools we use as appraisers are very different now than when I started as an appraiser. This change leaves room for a business like Zaxia that makes information gathering much easier and more advanced.
What advice can you offer to someone who is interested in a career in your industry? Affiliate with a good office for on the job training.
Who are some leaders that you admire and why? ?Barack Obama, he kept his cool in a time of political stress.