The DESCO Company, LLC
Year you entered your current field? 1998
Who or what do you attribute to your success? Being attentive to clients needs. Be a resource and offer solutions for clients, and not be the problem. Consistency not only with quality of work, but also the trust you build with your clients is a must. On the flip side of that, you have to hire the right people. It’s a team effort and everyone has to be on board with DESCO’s culture.
What advice can you offer to someone who is interested in a career in your industry?
I started in the field as a commercial carpenter and went on to be a project manager for a construction management firm. I then started my own company seven years ago. Work hard, have ambition to learn every aspect of your trade and you will find that a career in the trades can be very rewarding.
If you have a mentor, who is it and how have they influenced your personal & professional growth? My father is someone I admire and strive to be like. Hardworking, loyal and dedicated to his family. He’s frugal and a man of few words. But is respected amongst his peers. I also surround myself and listen to a lot of successful business leaders who run very successful businesses. Andy Frisella and Ed Mylett have been very motivating when it comes to my personal and business growth.
How have your life experiences impacted who you are professionally? Being the son of Portuguese immigrants, growing up I watched my parents work hard day in and day out without ever hearing them complain. They instilled in me the value of hard work and if one is honest and helps others along the way, anything is possible. Seeing this work ethic in parents, taught me to complain less, work more, respect others and always be humble.