President and CEO
Rhino PR
Year you entered your current field? 1995
Who or what do you attribute to your success? I attribute my success to my positive attitude and my ability to pivot. I secured my first job in PR at the Neva Group doing PR for high tech startups following an informational interview. I had no PR experience and they hired me on the spot. In 2001, I lost my job doing PR for a small telecommunications startup and pivoted to the commercial real estate industry by joining Vanderweil Engineers. In 2004, I lost my job with a small architectural firm and pivoted to start Rhino PR. Staying open to new opportunities has served me well over the years.
What advice can you offer to someone who is interested in a career in your industry? I tell people interested in a career in public relations to start at a small PR agency. Working at a small agency gives you exposure to so many aspects of creating and executing PR campaigns for a variety of clients. It will help you figure out what aspects of PR you enjoy – then you can specialize by joining a larger firm or going in-house with a company. I consider my three years at the Neva Group my master’s degree in PR.