NORTH HAVEN, CT Nanette Pastore, president of Pearce Real Estate, has been named Woman of the Year for 2020 by the Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce at the 2020 Women’s Achievement Awards Virtual Celebration on January 28, 2021. Lt. governor Susan Bysiewicz was the guest speaker at this year’s event which honored seven local women.
Pastore has been with Pearce Real Estate since 1993 in various roles with ever-increasing responsibility and leadership. Pastore was nominated for the award by her boss and mentor, Barbara Pearce, chair and CEO of Pearce Real Estate, and daughter of its founder Herb Pearce.
“She’s just what you want every female executive to be. She has so many wonderful qualities and everyone loves her. Every time I push her outside her comfort zone, she succeeds. When she takes something on, she does it with her whole heart,” said Pearce. “No one could deserve this more,” Pearce continues. “One of the things I’m proudest of in my career is being a mentor to Nanette Pastore,” she said.
Pastore’s latest promotion to president came as Barbara Pearce withdrew from the daily operations at Pearce Real Estate in order to devote time working at Connecticut Hospice. That left Pastore to run both the residential and commercial divisions as well as manage all of the staff and daily operations.
“This new position without Barbara around was challenging enough, and then the pandemic hit and it was a whole new situation. Our agents and staff have done a wonderful job adapting to an ever-changing ‘new normal’ and I am so very proud of them all,” said Pastore.
“There is also a great feeling of and commitment to the communities Pearce Real Estate serves. There is an annual Day of Caring in honor of 9/11 where we close the business and provide our assistance to many a worthwhile cause. There are other things we do throughout the year such as coat drives, Thanksgiving baskets, and whatever other opportunities present themselves,” she said.
Pastore is looking forward to what’s ahead at Pearce Real Estate while meeting and overcoming all the challenges that come her way, with the assistance and input from all of those at Pearce.
Pearce Real Estate is a local, independently owned, full-service real estate company with more than 100 agents and 7 offices in the greater New Haven and Shoreline areas for your convenience.