North Haven, CT Nanette Pastore, president of Pearce Real Estate, announced a fruitful conclusion to the Pearce Real Estate Company coat drive. “The Pearce Company is thrilled that we were able to provide a necessity to the community in this holiday season. It was a huge success!” said Pastore.
Pearce Real Estate partnered with Best Cleaners to extend their coat drive. Five of the Pearce offices operated as drop off locations which included the corporate office in North Haven, and the Wallingford, New Haven, Guilford, and Milford office locations. Each office was overflowing with coats by the end of the drive. Over 200 coats for all ages were collected as well as 80+ pairs of gloves/mitten, scarves and hats and a 10 pairs of ski pants. These items were given to Best Cleaners who will clean and distribute to individuals and families in need of winter clothing.