Philip Gagnon 2009

December 01, 2009 - Connecticut

Phil Gagnon

Name: Philip Gagnon, SIOR, CCIM
Title: Senior Commercial Agent
Company: Colliers Dow & Condon
Location: 864 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, Conn. 06114
Birthplace: Hartford - 1967
Family: Wife and two sons
College: University of Conn., B.S. Finance 1992
First job outside of real estate: Operations manager at Lowes Home Improvement
First job in real estate or allied field: Broker Owens Renz & Lee Commercial - 1997
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: 100% of my time is spent in brokerage. I participate in the investment/office leasing teams at Colliers.
Hobbies: Politics, American history, camping and golf
Favorite books: "Almost a Miracle"
Favorite movie: "Band of Brothers"
Key to success: Networking
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Investment banker


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