President's message: ASM welcomes member #400!

September 18, 2008 - Construction Design & Engineering
Little over a decade ago, ASM was a small organization with barely 200 members. We've grown steadily since, but that wasn't good enough for our membership committee, who made a commitment this year to reach the elusive 400 mark by August 31. Some thought it couldn't be done, but that was just the sort of challenge to spark their determination. In the competitive spirit, the eight committee members worked through the summer contacting personal referrals and explaining the value of membership in ASM. In the afternoon of August 31, their efforts paid off as Annis Electric became the 400th member to join the association! And two others quickly followed before close of business that day.
Why are membership drives like this important? As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers. The larger we are, the greater our influence, and the better our ability to deliver on expectations. Reaching this milestone not only secures ASM's place as one of the largest and most influential construction industry organizations in the state, but it will allow us to do more to provide the education, advocacy, information and resources that subcontractors need most to run a successful business today.
I would like to publicly congratulate the committee, chaired by Mike Kosiver of Lockheed Window, and extend a personal welcome to the 70 new members who have joined ASM in 2008. Please join us for our first member meeting of the season on Sept. 24 at Marina Bay, where we will celebrate our success and demonstrate just why membership in ASM makes such difference for Massachusetts subcontractors. I hope to see you there.
Scott Packard is vice president of Chapman Waterproofing Company, Boston and is the president of Associated Subcontractors of Mass., Inc., Boston.



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