President's message: IREM Ski Day at Loon Mountain

March 06, 2008 - Owners Developers & Managers

Joe Sweeney, the winner of the yodeling contest and chapter president Winder Nordblom.

Jeff Turk and chapter president Winder Nordblom.

I cannot remember when it has snowed some much. In Groton, my hometown, we have had five feet of snow since December. Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont have had double this amount of snow, if not more. They don't have any more room to store the snow. This is a winter that has tested the snow removal contractors and their equipment. The real estate manager's decisions in the 90° heat of August selecting a snow removal contractor was put to a test. Did you make the right decisions?
* Do you use a written contract to state the services required, insurance, cost and payment terms?
* Do you make sure the contractor is able to fulfill the contract?
* Does the contractor have the labor and equipment?
* How old is the equipment, will it last through the winter?
A little due diligence in August will produce consistent snow removal service and fewer challenges for the manager during the winter.
All the snow enhanced our IREM ski day February 8th at Loon Mountain. The event was all about networking with colleagues and friends of IREM. I had the opportunity to talk to or take a run with all those who attended. I thought the highlights of the event were the skiing and the après ski activities. These included a skiing award and tubing award. We also awarded two sitzmark awards. I guess my favorite was the yodeling contest. Joe Sweeney of Intercontinental Management Corp. is the official yodeler of the chapter.
Next meeting AMO appreciation and legislative update:
Our next meeting will be held on March 20th at the Dedham Hilton at noon. Our guest speaker: Robert Travaglini, lobbyist, former Mass. senate president.
We are going to recognize the AMO firms in the chapter and find out what is happening on Beacon Hill. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and express you thoughts.
2008 we are going to educate, celebrate and participate!

Winder Nordblom is the 2008 president of the Boston chapter of IREM.


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