President's message: Looking forward to a busy fall season

September 18, 2007 - Construction Design & Engineering

Scott Packard

After the long summer break, school is back in session, and ASM, like the rest of the construction industry, is ramping up for a busy fall season. Once again, we will be offering a variety of very timely programs for our members. If any of them are of interest to you, I invite you to join us.
As fall begins, our eyes are on Beacon Hill, where we expect to see activity increase in the coming weeks, as the Legislature approaches the final year of the legislative session. We will be offering our support to this year's capital bond bill that is proposing major increases in spending for both building and infrastructure projects across the state. We will also be seeking support for two bills that have long been a priority for subcontractors - including one to curb unfair contingent payment terms in construction contracts and another that would prevent unfair risk transfer through indemnity and insurance clauses, and require all parties to take responsibility for their own negligence. Both bills reflect prevailing trends nationwide, as other states act to ensure fairness in construction contracting. In addition to these two bills, ASM will also be introducing new legislation that addresses systemic payment problems in private construction that are detrimental to business and the economy. Achieving progress on these bills is a priority for ASM in the weeks ahead. If you are a subcontractor, we invite you to join us in making it happen.
Scott Packard is the vice president of Chapman Waterproofing Company, Boston.


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