President's message: March (verb) a steady advance.

March 12, 2015 - Appraisal & Consulting

Ken Dicks, Appraisal Institute

March (verb) a steady advance. Looking back at my path to designation, the March, as measured over a career, was in the greater context, a steady advance.
In the hundreds of e-mails I receive on a weekly basis, there are, at times, gems that come across the mail servers. So far, this year, I have seen five such e-mails coming from National AI to inform me of newly designations members of the Chapter. These are notifications and congratulatory e-mails to newly designated members of the Appraisal Institute. These notifications are recognition of achieving a prestigious designation that differentiates our members in a highly competitive marketplace. These notifications acknowledge that our members have made a commitment to advanced education, higher ethical requirements and elevated expectations for the appraisal profession as a whole.

In 2015, we have five new designations have been achieved by individuals within our Chapter:
* Matthew Gleason, MAI of Pepperell, Massachusetts has received the MAI designation;
* Richard Pino, MAI of Milton, MA received the MAI designation;
* Michael Shand, MAI, AI-GRS of Barrington, RI has received the GRS designation;
* Heather Ross, SRA of Barnstable, MA has received the SRA designation; and
* Douglas Gablinske, SRA, AI-RRS has received the AI-RRS designation

The Candidates for Designation program is bearing fruit, with a more focused approach to facilitate the achievement of designation. The interaction with the Advisors has played a role in the newly designated however; the heavy lifting was done by the Candidates themselves for the final March towards designation.
As a chapter, the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute was one of the leading chapters to successfully pair Candidates with Members as Advisors.
As an organization, and as a profession, we have our challenges. The demographic tide is shifting. The rate of attrition is accelerating with this shift.
The latest statistics, as provided by the Appraisal Institute (AI): AI membership represents approximately 26% of the overall population of appraisers. Of all appraisers holding a professional designation, 50% hold a designation with the AI. Here's the good news: For 2014, 917 new designations were awarded. The not so good news: AI membership has gone from 21,707 in 2013 to 20,697. It's not all bad, as new candidates and affiliates in the US increased by 1,270.
Locally we lend support by offering a full slate of educational offerings to ensure the highest level of competency and moving forward with our Advisor Program.

What else can we do? Locally, we have created a task force to identify and develop opportunities to advance our profession within our communities. We are looking to tap into one of our region's most valuable resources, a resource that attracts thousands upon thousands to the Massachusetts and Rhode Island area. I hope to share with you some exciting news in the future on that initiative, but in the meantime, March on towards your designation, and March on towards your goals. Best of luck and success to you all.

Ken Dicks is the 2015 president of the Mass./RI chapter of the Appraisal Institute and director residential real estate appraisal risk at Santander Bank, Dorchester, Mass.


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