President's message: NSAs view on our local industry

May 16, 2013 - Construction Design & Engineering

David Cannistraro, J.C. Cannistraro

Recently I attended the annual conference of the National Subcontractors Alliance, NSA, an umbrella organization of large, influential subcontractor associations from around the country. The NSA's mission is to promote the exchange of information between its member organizations (which themselves represent over 3,500 companies), and to foster opportunities for representation at the national level on industry issues.
Meeting with fellow subcontractors from other regions is always an eye-opener, and puts our work here at ASM in perspective.
First, there was good news on the economy. While the construction market is showing signs of improvement everywhere, it was clear Massachusetts is out in front, along with New York. We are a bellwether here in the Northeast, and the pick-up in construction bodes well not just for us, but for the rest of the country, too. And the fact that places like Ohio and Arizona are finally turning around is a good sign the upward trend will continue.
Second, there were a few lessons for us on business relations. In other states, general contractors and subcontractors work closely together - on legislative initiatives, on joint membership activities, on events. There is a genuine "partnership" that extends beyond the job site. Here in Massachusetts, by contrast, the relations seem more strained than ever, as we seek fairness on retainage and indemnification, while our partners mount stiff opposition. Apparently, our business culture is different here - not necessarily for the better. It's something we both need to work on.
And finally, we saw the power of associations. It is amazing how much the twelve associations of NSA accomplish in the legislative and business arena, on behalf of their members. It is impressive to see the level of commitment to protecting subcontractor interests, and promoting professionalism and success. In that respect, we are all the same - and ASM is second to none.
In Massachusetts, there is no other organization like ASM when it comes to protecting the rights of subcontractors and informing and educating our members. I can truly say it is the best organization for our company and has been a key to our success.
Contact me if you'd like to know more.
David Cannistraro is president of J.C. Cannistraro, LLC. of Watertown and is the 2013 president of the Assoc. Subcontractos of Mass., Boston.



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