President's message: Thank you to all of the volunteers

December 12, 2014 - Appraisal & Consulting

Joseph Comperchio, Appraisal Institute

I can't believe the year has passed. I knew it would go quickly but wow! It seems like yesterday I was researching Google to educate myself on what should be included in an effective president's message.
As I end my term as president and fade off into the sunset I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the volunteers who dedicate time and energy to effectively running the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter. You should understand that it really does take an army. Programs, educational offerings and a hundred other tasks don't just happen. Most programs and offerings involve months of lead-time and preparation. Thank you to the people who dedicate precious time and effort to running this chapter.
FYI, the chapter is always looking for volunteers. If you're interested in getting involved, contact the chapter office through the website. Try it. I'm sure you'll find it interesting and rewarding. It's a great way to expand your professional network.
During my time as a chapter officer I've been involved with the Appraisal Institute on a regional level and I've had the opportunity to observe what other chapters offer their membership. My observations confirm the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter is one of the premier chapters in the nation based on any measurement. From educational offerings to candidates programs we dwarf those of most other chapters in the region or nationally. I'm proud to have been a tiny part of such an organization.
I want to take a minute to talk to our Candidates which includes me! As I mentioned, we have a premier candidates committee that is actively engaged in providing programs. However, the decision to pursue a designation and enter the candidates program is personal and there are challenges and timelines involved not to mention family, work and life in general. The chapter and AI national have people and resources available to help along the way but, in the end, obtaining a designation is a personal goal.
My point is that completing a designation program requires planning. The chapter goes to great lengths to offer targeted education on a local level. Take advantage of these offerings. Don't pass on an offering with the idea you'll take it next year. You can't be guaranteed it will be offered. The chapter runs more than a few offerings with the knowledge they will loose money. The decision to run programs at a loss is done consciously with the goal of providing candidates the opportunity to fulfill education locally. Go to the website and see what's being offered in 2015. Plan accordingly.
I want to thank the sponsors who made the decision to financially contribute to the chapter. Donations provided by CBRE/New England, Joseph J. Blake & Associates Inc., and Colliers International contribute toward the chapter's premier status. These donations allow us flexibility in offering programs. If you are interested in sponsorship for 2015 contact the chapter through the website.
In closing I want to say how much I've enjoyed this past year. It wasn't all fun but it certainly was interesting. I leave with the knowledge I'm turning over a healthy chapter to the next administration which was my primary goal when I started the year.
Joseph Comperchio, SRA, is the 2014 president of the Mass. & R.I. chapter of the Appraisal Institute, and works for commercial banking at Chase, Boston, MA.


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